Student Experience Committees

Band Camp: Volunteers are needed to set up/serve/clean up snacks/drinks at camp and other long/hot rehearsal days throughout the season.
Chaperones: Chaperones assist in crowd control/help transport students on trips and during large all band functions such as home football games, and the all band social. Chaperones must go through a district approval process so please contact for more information.
Food Support: Tasks range from coordinating with corporate sponsors to picking up food, shopping for snacks, helping prepare Gatorade, setting-up dining venues, serving and cleaning-up the service area, and supporting the entire Mason band team. Involved with Marching Band meals throughout the season, concert band camps, meals surrounding travel, and performances for all ensembles.
Pit Crew: Responsibilites include marching band prop construction and maintenance, assisting in moving props and the front ensemble on/off the field for performances, organizing the loading/unloading and transportation of props and instruments to/from competitons and mangaging the truck/bus lots when Mason hosts marching band competitons. This group works countless hours and entails a lot of physical but rewarding work.
Marching Band Uniforms: Volunteers help place plumes in shakos, check that all marchers have on black socks, all makeup is removed and hair is up under the shako. In addition to helping marchers get ready on performance days we need volunteers to help get marchers fitted for their uniforms; sort, label, and distribute uniform pieces, and the ironing parties are legendary and don’t want to be missed! As well as any other activities needed by the committee chair.
Concert Band Uniforms: At the beginning of the school year help with sizing students during band classes so the proper size shirt/tux/dress is ordered for each student. Assist on concert days ensuring each student has the proper concert attire (pearls, missing buttons, bow ties, etc); and help collect concert attire after the concert.
Color Guard: Assist the guard committee chairs as needed; guard room volunteers for football games; chaperones/band-aids (contact travel secretary for how to sign up; must volunteer during the fall season in order to be eligible to volunteer during winter season); competition volunteers help with needs while traveling; sewing volunteers help alter costumes, repair flags, etc; encouragement team keeps atmosphere positive.