Event Committees
Competitions: Volunteers are needed in many areas to make the competitions we host be successful. Please see the competitions volunteer descriptions for areas volunteers are needed
Music For All Regional Concert Band Festival: Assist in welcoming students/staff from other districts; monitoring the halls to ensure nothing is damaged; guiding bands to their warm-up, performance and other areas; selling tickets to spectators; selling spirit wear/cand grams; working concessions; monitoring that no one enters the performance hall when a band is performing.
Awards Banquet: Assist with organizing and packaging of awards prior to the marching band awards night; help in setting up/tearing down any decorations on the night of the awards ceremony; help coordinate students on and off the stage during the awards night.
After Prom: Assist with brainstorming ideas and decorating with the theme assigned by the HS After prom committee. Assist the committee chair in coordinating volunteers to staff the area for the duration of after prom.