November 17, 2024 Band Notes
Table of Contents
Parent To Do Checklist For This Week
Congratulations and That’s All, Folks!
Spirit Committee - Volunteers for Next Season
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, November 20
- Concert Winds Rehearsal: 2:45-4:45pm; MHS Band Room
- Skyline Chili Dine & Donate: 11am-10pm; Bardes Rd location (see flyer below)
Thursday, November 21
- Concert Green/Silver Rehearsal: 2:45-4:15pm; MHS Band Room
Friday, November 22
- Competitive Winter Guard Audition: 5:30-8pm; MHS Gym
- Senior Picture submissions due
Saturday, November 23
- Competitive Winter Guard Show Camp: 1-9pm; MMS Arena
Sunday, November 24
- Poinsettia orders due
- Band Notes will not be published - next Band Notes will be December 1
November 25-29
- No School - Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, December 3
- Marching Band Awards Night: 6:30-8:30pm; MHS Auditorium & Large Commons
Future planned events can be found on the updated band calendar: Mason Band Calendar.
Parent To Do Checklist For This Week
- Senior Parents: Send pictures for Awards Night by this Friday, November 22.
- Eat at Skyline Chili on Wednesday.
- Order Poinsettias and spread the word about this fundraiser.
- (Optional) Order your memory book for the season.

Congratulations and That’s All, Folks!
Congratulations to the William Mason Marching Band on an incredible weekend at BOA Grand Nationals! The band advanced to Finals for the 12th time in school history, and placed 6th out of 113 bands who competed in the 3-day competition!!! What an amazing conclusion to a fantastic season! We are so proud of all our students, and thankful for our top-notch directors and supportive families.
A huge thank you to our extensive Travel Team especially - Tiffany Williams, Melissa Woodward, Tyler Buckner, Mike McCallister, Student Care Team, Uniform Crew, Color Guard Crew, and Pit Crew - for making this all possible. These trips always involve a lot of hard work, long hours, and pivots. We appreciate you caring for our students, keeping them safe, and helping them look and perform their best!
Thank you also to all the families who came out to support the band at our sendoffs, cheer them on in Indy, and welcome them home to Mason!

Marching Band Awards Night
Please join us on Tuesday, December 3, at 6:30pm for this year’s Marching Band Awards Night. This will be a fun evening to celebrate each band member's achievements throughout the marching band season and to reminisce on all of the amazing moments we have all shared together. You won’t want to miss it! The event will take place in the High School Auditorium and Large Commons.
Volunteers & Donations Needed: We are in need of volunteers to help with setting up, serving cookies, and cleaning up before and after our awards ceremony. We would also appreciate donations of cookies and water. Volunteer and donation sign-ups are live in BoosterHub. Donations can be dropped off prior to the start of the program from 5:00-6:15pm in the Large Commons. Please contact Laura Minniear at with any questions.
Got meds?: Medications may be picked up 6:00-6:25pm before the ceremony in the large commons. You should receive an email before the event if your student has leftover medication. Don’t forget to check your junk/spam folders. If your student will be traveling for the National Concert Band Festival or Winter Guard we can retain medications for your convenience. Empty bottles/packages will not be returned. Review the Mason Band Medication Policy for more details. Contact with any questions or to schedule an alternate pick-up.
Spirit Table: Stop by the Spirit table to purchase any items out missed out on during the season, including MSBA Championship programs.
Photo Table: Pick up your group photos you ordered earlier in the season. These include senior periodic tables, accordion books, section, and panoramic photos. If you are not able to make it to the award ceremony, please designate someone to pick up your items for you.

Spirit Committee - Volunteers for Next Season
A big thank you to everyone who attended the Spirit Committee informational meeting last week! We've made great progress in building our team for next year, and we're excited to have so many wonderful people stepping into new roles.
However, there are still a few key positions we need to fill. In particular, we're looking for people who can craft and/or sew, as well as someone who would be willing to lead this group of crafters.
The crafting team will be responsible for assembling items like buttons, mini color guard flags, fan flags, jewelry, and luggage tags. Some tasks can be done at home, while others will take place at the Midpointe Library, where we use their sublimation printer. If you're interested (even if you're not sure how to do it), please reach out to me for more information. I'd be happy to share more details and even take you on a trip to the Midpointe Library to see the process firsthand. If you like to craft, I'm certain you would love doing this.
Lastly, does anyone have a Cricut or Silhouette machine that can create die-cut images? We need these next year for Senior Night and Music Hall decorations.
Thanks again for your support!

Skyline Dine & Donate
Take a night off from cooking as you’re recovering from Grand Nats and preparing for Thanksgiving, and support the band at the same time! Head to the Bardes Road Skyline Chili from 11am-10pm on November 20th for our Dine and Donate event!
Mason Bands will receive 15% of sales.
Click here for the flyer.

Poinsettia Sale
It’s time for our annual Mason Bands Poinsettia Sale! Place your order between now and November 24th. The proceeds of this sale benefit all band students in grades 6-12.
We have poinsettias available in red, pink, or white this year, in two different sizes::
- 4.5-inch poinsettias - $9
- 6.5-inch poinsettias - $15
In addition, save time by purchasing an end of semester teacher/staff gift (poinsettia + $10 gift card) that will be delivered directly to the teacher or staff member’s desk. This is available for any Mason City Schools Employee and will be delivered to their desk between December 10-12th.
Poinsettia pick up will be December 7th at the Mason Intermediate School building.
Click here to order by November 24!
Note: Please include both personal and teacher gifts in the total number of flowers you order at the top of the form. You can specify how many are for teacher gifts in the next section of the form, with the ability to indicate which color/size is for which teacher. Any flowers ordered over the number of teacher gifts will be assumed to be for pickup on December 7th.
Please reach out to with any questions.

Senior Parents: Pictures Needed for Awards Night
We would like to recognize each of the seniors at our Marching Band Awards Ceremony planned for Tuesday, December 3, 2024. If you have attended this celebration in the past, you know that we like to put together a slide show of pictures submitted by each senior’s family. The family keeps the picture choices a secret from their student until the big night. So how can you help us?
Please start picking out your favorite pictures, usually 3-4 pictures from infancy to now. Please scan and email them to:
Be sure to include the name of your student.
****We need pictures NO LATER THAN November 22, 2024****
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to

Marching Band Memory Books
Each year, our talented photo volunteers put together a beautiful memory book filled with the many moments of our season including rehearsals, football games, parades & competitions.
This is a beautiful, 8.5x11 inch, soft cover photo book with about 72 pages.
Place your Memory Book order HERE by December 4. The price is $55.
If you ordered a memory book with custom pages before the deadline, remember to be working on your pages! Instructions were sent out through our printer TreeRing in early November.
Contact Nancy Riley at for questions.