July 7, 2024 Band Notes
Table of Contents
Parent To Do Checklist For This Week
Ultimate Drill Book - Optional
Interested In Becoming A Student Rack Captain?
Volunteer Opportunity: RAKE Days
Upcoming Events
Sunday, July 7
- Band Camp t-shirt orders due
Thursday, July 11
- Photo Corps Meeting, 7pm; Zoom
Monday, July 22
- Band Camp!
- See the BAND CAMP GUIDEBOOK for more information
Thursday, August 1
- Experience Fee #2 due (invoice will be sent via QuickBooks)
Saturday, August 3
- Tag Day (details coming soon)
Future planned events can be found on the updated band calendar: Mason Band Calendar.
Parent To Do Checklist For This Week
- (Optional) Order Band Camp t-shirt (see below) - DUE TODAY
- (Optional) Purchase Ultimate Drill Book (see below)

Band Camp Guidebook 2024
It’s July, and that means Band Camp is soon to be upon us! Be sure to check the BAND CAMP GUIDEBOOK as the “one stop shop” for all the information. The most important aspect is the weekly schedule with times, special events, and theme days!
Most important is to check the schedule for each of the three weeks. For our veteran families, the first two weeks of camp looks a bit different than last year, but we believe it will have a positive impact on the student experience. Working with the “1pm-9pm” format (which we use regularly on Saturdays) with a staggered color guard arrival will allow for several new enhancements during the first two weeks. This includes the ability to have Full Band in the Stadium when available. At the end of camp we will also be looking for both student and parent feedback (via an email survey sent to all families) on the schedule as it helps us plan for future schedules.

Ultimate Drill Book - Optional
Deadline to Order: July 26th
"Ultimate Drill Book" or the UDB app is again available for students and families who would like to purchase individually for the season. This is not required, and is completely optional for families/students that would like to use this during the season. The cost is $10 plus tax, and that covers the entire season. UDB is a phone app that includes all of the information students already receive in their “coordinate sheet” for drill, but allows them to watch and interact with an animation of their position in the drill on video, while the show music plays in the app. We will continue to share video files at no cost, for students that would prefer to use videos and their paper coordinate sheet.
To Purchase UDB for your student:
1) Go to this link: CLICK HERE
2) Add the subscription to your cart
3) Pay the fee ($10.30)
4) Download the "UDB Pro" app from the App Store on your phone or Ipad (see UDB website for compatible devices)
5) Beginning July 24th, Mr. Hinson will receive an email from UDB with students that have purchased. Students will then receive an email from Mr. Hinson to their school email with the ensemble code that allows them to join the Mason UDB group.
If you'd like to learn more about UDB before purchasing:
-Video from the Bluecoats Drum and Bugle Corps about UDB: CLICK HERE
-Demo Tutorial for students on how to use UDB: CLICK HERE

Photo Corps Meeting
Photo Corps meeting via Google Meet on Thursday 7/11 at 7 pm. Anyone who participated in Photo Corps last year or who indicated interest on the form at the Volunteer Event will receive an email with the link for the meeting. If you are interested in attending but did not sign up for Photo Corps at the Volunteer Event, please email smugmug@masonbandboosters.com to get the link to the meeting. We will review what Photo Corps does and how to volunteer. The meeting should only be about 30-60 minutes. All are welcome with any level of skill.

Interested In Becoming A Student Rack Captain?
Calling all Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Marching Band members:
The Uniform Crew is now seeking students to serve as Rack Captains! Rack Captains are essential student leaders who assist the Uniform Crew to make sure each marcher is dressed correctly when in uniform and that uniforms are stored properly after every performance. Many Rack Captains also assist the U-Crew by helping with uniform fittings, teaching new marchers proper storage of uniform pieces, and many other tasks regarding marching band uniforms. If interested, please fill out the Rack Captain Application by Midnight on July 21, 2024. Email uniforms@masonbandboosters.com with any questions.

Band Camp T-Shirts
This year’s Band Camp t-shirts are now available to order!
Click here to place your order through Friday Threads. The deadline for orders is Sunday, July 7th. NO ADDITIONAL SHIRTS WILL BE ORDERED.
Available in t-shirt, drifit, men’s tank, and women’s tank. Optional personalization is available for an additional charge.
The T-shirts are optional for students but are useful on the rehearsal nights the band directors request the students to wear white T-shirts.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is NOT the shirt you purchased in your consumables fee.

Volunteer Opportunity: RAKE Days
RAKE Days – Random Acts of Kindness Everywhere, Everyday are volunteer activities to help us give back to our community through great organizations like The Comet Cupboard and Sleep In Heavenly. The Comet Cupboards and Comet Closets are in-school food pantries inside of Mason City Schools to help food insecure students with food, personal supplies, spirit wear, clothing and more!
Join MHS Soccer, MHS Band & Color Guard, and MHS Girl Scouts to help build beds for those who live in Warren County and will be receiving their first time bed. During this event, we will be cutting wood, sanding wood, using the drill press, staining the wood, and more. It is a packed day that will result in us building 40 beds that will be delivered later this year.
The build will take place on Saturday, July 20th in the Mason Middle School Parking lot. Please come out and join us to help make a difference in the life of your peers and their families. Here is the sign up genius: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090B45ABAA28A6F94-49971999-2024

Marching Band Woodwind/Brass - Summer Director Updates
Mr. Hinson and Mr. Jackson sent out Mini Camp wrap up emails with information about the required summer Smart Music assignment for Woodwinds and Brass and other important information for the summer leading up to band camp. Links to the emails are below:
Woodwinds - CLICK HERE

2024 Marching Band Next Steps
Marching Band Registration Next Steps
- 2024 Registration Guide
- Due August 1
- Experience Fee 2
- Invoice to be sent via email from: quickbooks@notification.intuit.com
- Experience Fee 2
- Your student must have an ACTIVE physical on file in order to participate throughout the season
- Examination must have been performed within the past 13 months
- Medical Eligibility Form must be completed in its entirety signed and date by the healthcare provider
- Be on the lookout for Final Form email notifications if your student’s physical has expired or will be expiring during Band Camp
- Dispensing Medication at School (DMS) forms may be submitted any time throughout the season via masonbands.com >> How To Submit Forms
- All medications that a student will be taking while at Band Camp require a form (OTC and Prescription)
- Must be signed by a parent/guardian
- Must be signed by a healthcare provider
- Only valid for up to one full season
- Marching Band DMS forms are separate from any other DMS forms submitted through Mason City Schools administration or nursing staff
- You may contact medicalsecretary@masonbandboosters.com to schedule a drop-off time or wait upcoming medication drop-off events at the start of Band Camp or prior to overnight travel
- Parents/guardians should electronically sign the necessary documents in FINAL FORMS.
- SIX (6) Students have unsigned forms which are REQUIRED to participate.
- NOTE: An electronic signature is NOT required on the SITUATIONAL FORM (Student Withdrawal Form) recently added by Final Forms administration.