January 12, 2025 Band Notes
Table of Contents
Parent To Do Checklist For This Week
MHS Winter Percussion Information
Mason MEPA Competition - Help Needed!
Members of Our Band Family Need Us
Marching Band 2025 Summer Dates
Memory Book Pick Up and Second Chance Order
Competitive Winter Guard Information
Concert Band Audition Info for 2025-2026
Upcoming Events
Monday, January 13
- OMEA D13 Honor Band: 7:00-8:30pm; MHS
Tuesday, January 14
- Jazz 1 Rehearsal: 2:45-4:15pm; MHS Band Room
- Competitive Winter Guard Rehearsal: 6-9pm; MECC Gym
- MEPA Mason Parent Meeting: 7-8pm; Zoom
- Pep Band A: Report at 7pm; MMS Arena (details below)
Wednesday, January 15
- Sectionals:
- Wind Symphony Brass: 2:45-4pm; MHS Woodwind Room
- Symphonic Band Flute, Oboe, & Clarinet: 2:45-3:45pm; MHS Band Room
- Symphonic Band Horn: 4-5pm; MHS Band Room
- Pep Band B: Report at 7pm; MMS Arena (details below)
- Wind Symphony: Travel Payment #3 due (see below)
Thursday, January 16
- Jazz 1 Rehearsal: 2:45-4:15pm; MHS Band Room
- Competitive Winter Guard Rehearsal: 6-9pm; MECC Gym
- Memory book pick up MHS hallway outside band room 7:30 pm to 8:00:pm
Friday, January 17
- OMEA D13 Honor Band: 2-9pm; MHS
- Competitive Winter Guard Rehearsal: 6-9pm; MECC Gym
Saturday, January 18
- OMEA D13 Honor Band: 9am-4pm; MHS
- Lunch provided
- Competitive Winter Guard Show Camp: 1-9pm; MMS Aux Gym
Sunday, January 19
- OMEA D13 Honor Band: 2-6pm; MHS
Future planned events can be found on the updated band calendar: Mason Band Calendar.
Parent To Do Checklist For This Week
- Sign up to volunteer to help serve lunch during the OMEA Honor Band rehearsal on January 18 - we still need volunteers especially for the Middle School.
- All Guard Families: Attend Mason MEPA online planning meeting this Tuesday, January 14.
- Sign up for Winter Guard (grades 5-11) - deadline for Grades 8-11 is January 19.
- Wind Symphony families: Make travel payment #3 by January 15.
- CWG families: Fill out WGI Release Form by January 19.
- CWG families: Review season lookbook and obtain items as needed by January 26.
- Sign up by January 19 if interested in being a prop helper on show days for CWG (high school students or adults).
- Memory book and late group photo order pick up MHS hallway outside band room on Thursday, January 16, 7:30 pm to 8:00:pm

Winter Guard Signups Are Live
Signups are now live for all Mason Winter Guard teams! There are groups available for students in grades 5-11.
- Sign-ups for grades 8-11 are due by January 19.
- Sign-ups for grades 5-7 are due by February 2.

MHS Winter Percussion Information
Winter Percussion begins later in January! See the attached schedule from Mr. Scharf for more information: 2025 WINTER PERCUSSION SCHEDULE. These dates are also now on the Band Website calendar. Email Mr. Scharf with any questions: scharfj@masonohioschools.com

Mason MEPA Competition - Help Needed!
Join the co-chairs of the MEPA Competition to find out how you can support the Mason Competitive Winter Guard as well as the Band Boosters at this year's MEPA (Mid East Performance Association) competition, scheduled for February 16th.
All CWG parents are asked to attend this Zoom meeting on Tuesday, January 14th at 7:00 PM.
- Topic: MEPA Parent Volunteer
- Time: Jan 14, 2025 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
- Zoom Meeting Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89540123350?pwd=FcabUePMr5NbXgSbNJskisQxjwjcQ7.1
- Meeting ID: 895 4012 3350
- Passcode: 552883

Jazz Band Information
The link above has all the information about Jazz Band for this year! Jazz band begins in January after break. Mason High School has two jazz bands: Jazz I and Jazz II. See above for schedules, commitment form and more!

Members of Our Band Family Need Us
The Burton Family is one of our own and needs our help now. Fuz has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Please, consider prepping a meal and/or donating to their Meal Train. There is also a GoFundMe you can donate to.

Marching Band 2025 Summer Dates
Full Registration will be available later this semester. Mr. Sleppy shared the summer dates via email just before winter break with everyone:
- Full Band: MINI CAMP = May 27, 28, 29, 30
- PERCUSSION & COLOR GUARD CAMP = June 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
- Full Band: BAND CAMP Week 1 = July 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
- Full Band: BAND CAMP Week 2 = July 28, 29, 30, 31, Aug 1, 2 (tag day)
- Full Band: BAND CAMP Week 3 = Aug 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Memory Book Pick Up and Second Chance Order
If you missed the first opportunity to order a memory book, you have another chance! Several families accidentally ordered more than once so we have five books available for sale. The order form is below and will remain open until the books are no longer available.
For those who already ordered their books, pick up will be Thursday pm, January 16, 7:30 to 8:00 in the band room hallway. Please enter through the music wing.

Competitive Winter Guard Information
WGI Performer Release Form
Please fill out the below form by Sunday, January 19th. This form is required by WGI for all of our performers to complete before we attend their events.
Show Day Prop Helpers Needed
For all of our show days, we will need volunteers to help us with getting on and off the floor successfully! These helpers can be parents/guardians, students of at least high school age, or other trusted adults. You will receive a wristband for free admission to the shows you help with, and be able to spend more time with your performer throughout the season!
- Interested in being a helper? Send Erica an email to declare your interest by Sunday, January 19th. Please include your show day availability.
Student Volunteer Opportunity
Students who are interested in helping out with the younger winter guard groups, please fill out the Interest Form by Sunday, January 26th.
- Note: All future leadership candidates should plan to volunteer for at least one of these two groups for the season.
- WG7 rehearses on most Mondays from 6-7pm from February-April. WG5&6 rehearses on most Wednesdays from 3:30-4:30pm from February to April. More details coming soon!
See here for the CWG Lookbook. Please have all items by Saturday, January 26th (Hair & Makeup Trial + Photoshoot Day).
See here for this year’s CWG Consumables Document.
These items should have been purchased by now. Reach out to the directors if you need any assistance. Thank you!
MEPA - Save the Date!
We will be hosting a MEPA (Mid East Performance Association) Show on Sunday, February 16th. Start by marking your calendars, and information will start to come out soon. Stay tuned!
We encourage all band and guard families to save the date! We would also love for you to attend Mason’s performance and cheer them on! And, Like our marching band competitions, we will need lots of volunteers throughout the day to make this a great experience for all our visiting guard ensembles.
Season Calendar
Here is the full: CWG Season Calendar

Concert Band Audition Info for 2025-2026
Please see the information in the link above about concert band auditions for next school year. Audition Videos are due on January 22, so now is the time to start preparing at home and with your lessons teacher. Paper copies of all music are in the organizer in the front of the band room.The band directors are happy to look over your audition videos, offer advice about which audition to do, or answer any questions you have!

OMEA Honor Band: Lunch Volunteers
Volunteers Needed To Feed Honor Band Participants
If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up on Booster Hub.
Please email: secretary@masonbandboosters.com if you would like to volunteer but do not have Booster Hub Access.
We are in need of a few volunteers to help feed Middle School and 9th grade students who are participating in honor band. We will be serving a simple meal of pizza, snacks, and a drink.
- Date: Saturday, January 18th
- Location: MMS Large Commons and MHS Small Commons
- Time: Volunteers needed from 11:30-1:30 pm at both locations (bigger group at MMS)

Pep Band Information (24-25)
Jan. 8 - Wednesday - Pep Band A Mason vs. Princeton (Girls)
Jan. 10 - Friday - Pep Band B Mason vs. Middletown (Boys) CANCELLED
Jan. 14 - Tuesday - Pep Band A Mason vs. Fairfield (Boys)
Jan. 15 - Wednesday - Pep Band B Mason vs. Fairfield (Girls)
Jan. 21 - Tuesday Pep Band B only Mason vs. Withrow (Boys)

Wind Symphony Travel Payments
Upcoming travel payments for the National Concert Band Festival Trip:
- Payment #3 - $400 - due on January 15, 2025
- Payment #4 - $300 - due February 15, 2025
Past Due:
- Payment #1 - $200
- Payment #2 - $300
All payments can be paid electronically using this link: CLICK HERE
The slides from the meeting are here: CLICK HERE
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Mr. Jackson.