August 11, 2024 Band Notes
Table of Contents
Parent To Do Checklist For This Week
Tentative Saturday Schedule For Panoramic/Section Photos And Rehearsal
2024 Band Camp Schedule Feedback Survey
Comet Cupboard - New Information
Grand National Tickets Now On Sale
Team Bonding/Mental Health Day - August 12
Instrumentalists Classic Uniform Fittings (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior)
Tag Day Thank You - And It’s Not Too Late to Donate!
Upcoming Events
Monday, August 12
- Team Bonding & Mental Health Training Day; MHS Large Commons - times vary by section
- Woodwinds/Trumpets/Drum Majors/Percussion: 8am-12pm
- Color Guard/Mellophones/Trombones/Baritones/Tubas: 1-5pm
- Last day to bring in Comet Cupboard donations
Tuesday, August 13
- Full Band: 3-6pm; MHS
Wednesday, August 14
- Leaders/Seniors/Drumline play for teachers: 7:15-8:15 am; MHS
- Culver’s Dine & Donate: 10am-10pm
Thursday, August 15
- Full Band: 3-6pm; MHS
Friday, August 16
- Full Band: 6-9pm; MHS
Saturday, August 17
- TENTATIVE-Pano and section photos, full band: 8:30-11am; MHS
- Full Band: 1-9pm; MHS
- On-campus dinner break 4:30-5:30pm
- Complete the 2024 Band Camp Schedule Feedback survey.
Future planned events can be found on the updated band calendar: Mason Band Calendar.
Parent To Do Checklist For This Week
- Sign and upload Miami University waiver for Team Building/Mental Health Day - required for participation in Monday’s program
- Sign up Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior instrumentalists for uniform fittings.
- Complete the 2024 Band Camp Schedule Survey this week.
- Eat at Culver’s this Wednesday, August 14.
- Order mums.
Please read the attached document for information about your band locker for this school year.
All students in marching band (including color guard) and concert band have been assigned a locker.
You may begin using your locker TODAY so that you can store anything needed for the marching band rehearsals after school days.
Please check the link in this document for your assigned locker. There is also a google form to submit any locker issues you might have.

Tentative Saturday Schedule For Panoramic/Section Photos And Rehearsal
Band Pano and Section Photos- Saturday, August 17, 2024
We are still waiting on approval from the football coach to use the bleachers and track, since they have blocked the time in the stadium for their use.
This year’s panoramic photo and section photos will be available to order on the same form used to order individual portraits, which will likely come out in early September after the formal group photos are taken. Individual portraits will be scheduled at a later date and will be done by appointment only.
August 17th Schedule |
8:30am |
Arrive at high school & change into Classic Uniform |
9:00-10:30am |
Pictures: Full Band Pano & Section Photos; In football stands ready to go by 9:00am |
10:30-11am |
Return to high school and change out of uniform and into rehearsal clothes |
11:00am-1:00pm |
Lunch break off campus |
1:00-9:00pm |
Rehearsal (BYO Dinner) 4:30-5:30pm |

2024 Band Camp Schedule Feedback Survey
As noted in the band camp guidebook, we are also seeking input about the Band Camp schedule as we look at next year's band camp and continue to make adjustments. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey and provide your feedback! 2024 Band Camp Schedule Survey

Fall Mums Sale
It’s time to order your fall mums! Orders can be placed until Sunday, September 1. Click here to order. Spread the word to local family and friends!
Pick-up will be the morning of Saturday, September 28th, outside the Performing Arts entrance at the Middle School.

Comet Cupboard - New Information
We have extended the deadline to donate until Monday, August 12th.
Our wonderful community has shown their love and support for the band during Tag Day. Now it is time for us to pay forward some of the love we were shown to our neighbors in need. Please support the Mason Band’s service project as we collect donations for the Comet Cupboard/Comet Closet. Top Needs include: Ramen Noodles, Tuna Pouches, Cereal Bars, Applesauce and fruit cups. Please contact with any questions.

Secret Buddy
Secret buddy is a fun and completely optional way for your child to spread a little happiness while giving (and receiving) treats. Students will “gift” their secret buddy snacks/treats and drinks throughout the season for most home football games and all competitions. Information was shared with students Friday night. If your child is interested, they should complete the Google sign up form by Sunday, August 18th. Students will be paired up with a buddy. Data submitted on the sign up form by your child’s buddy will be shared in order for your student to find out more about snack/treat preferences and any allergies or dietary concerns. Buddy information will be shared via email by August 25th. If your child wants to be a buddy, please make sure they take good care of their buddy! It’s more fun to try to keep your identity secret until Grand Nationals. There will be 9 Secret Buddy exchanges this season!
- Home Football Game Friday, September 6th
- Home Football Game Friday, September 13th
- Home Football Game Friday, September 27th (HOCO)
- Springboro Invitational Saturday, October 5th
- Mason Band Invitational Saturday, October 12th
- BOA Indy Super Regional Friday, October 18th
- Home Football Game Friday, October 25th
- MSBA Championship Saturday, November 9th
- BOA Grand Nationals Thursday, November 14th
Any questions, please reach out to

Uniform Lookbooks
See here for the 2024 Instrumentalists Look Book, which contains information for the summer and classic uniform, including undergarments for classic and competition uniforms. This link will be updated as more information is available about the competition uniform.
If you have any questions, please contact the Uniform Crew at
Color Guard
See here for the 2024 CG Season Lookbook, which contains information for the competition show hair and makeup, as well as other looks throughout the season.
Please have all hair and makeup products, as well as undergarments, for the "Look 3: Competition Uniform" by Wednesday, September 4th. The guard will plan to work through the look together at that sectional rehearsal, in preparation for the first football game on Friday, September 6th.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Erica Compton ( Have a great rest of your week!

Senior/Family Night
Attention Seniors and Senior Families: The William Mason High School Marching Band senior night is one of the most looked forward to and special events we do throughout the year. We want to honor our seniors and their families for their dedication to our program. In the midst of our planning, we need to collect a little information from our seniors so they can be honored accordingly!
Please fill out this form with the names of those planning to escort your student during the on-field recognition of seniors. Traditionally, escorts have included: parents, step-parents, guardians, siblings, and/or grandparents. We will need the list of all those escorting the student - including phonetic spelling so that everyone can be recognized. Please submit this information NO LATER THAN Wednesday, September 25th, 2024.
The 2024 Senior Night/Family Showcase will take place on Friday, October 4th. Below you will find the schedule for the night for your planning purposes. Thanks so much for your help!
Please contact with any questions.
October 4th Schedule |
3:00-6:00pm |
Rehearsal |
6:00pm |
Senior Dinner (Students & Staff Only) (Small Commons) |
6:00pm |
Underclassmen Dinner (Large Commons) |
7:15pm |
Stadium Open For Seating |
8:00pm |
Performances/Senior Presentation On Field |

Super Regional tickets can now be purchased at the links below. Tickets for Grand Nationals will go on sale in early September.
Friday Prelims Tickets- Guaranteed to perform. Tickets are all General Admission, so you do not need to purchase way ahead of time.
Saturday Finals Tickets - Will be needed if we proceed to Finals. There are both reserved seats and General Admission tickets available for Finals. **Please note that the only tickets needed for Saturday would be Finals Tickets since our preliminary performance takes place on Friday. You do not need Saturday Preliminary Tickets (unless you are interested in watching other bands that are scheduled for their Prelims on Saturday.)
Keep an eye on our Marching Band 2024 Travel page for additional information as it becomes available.
Students do NOT need tickets. They get admission as performers. Those volunteering AT THE EVENT also do not need tickets. Only those who are NOT volunteering at the event and wish to travel and watch the Band perform need to buy tickets. Totally OPTIONAL for families as students will be bussed via charter buses to and from Indy. Preliminary performance time is tentatively between 4-6pm (we do not have exact time yet) on Friday, October 18th and Finals performance time is TBD on Saturday, October 19th pending preliminary results. You will need a ticket for each session you plan to attend...Friday Prelims and Saturday Finals would be the two sessions we would perform. More information can be found at

Grand National Tickets Now On Sale
Tickets are also on sale now for Grand Nationals in November. Click here for the BoA/Music For All page.
Grand Nationals is a bigger event than Super Regionals. There are two days of Preliminary competition on Thursday and Friday, each with separate tickets. Mason will perform on Thursday, November 14, so that is the day you would purchase ticket for if you plan to attend. Our performance time has not been confirmed yet. Prelims tickets are General Admission, so you do not need to purchase these until you are sure you are attending.
Mason hopes to perform a second time in the Semi-Finals on Saturday, November 16 during the day. Our performance time on that day is typically late morning or afternoon, but we will not know for sure until late the night before. There are some reserved seat tickets available for Semi-Finals, or you can purchase General Admission.
Based on the results of the Semi-Finals, bands have the opportunity to perform in the Finals on Saturday evening November 16 (yes, the same day as Semis). If we make Finals, we will not know our performance time until late afternoon that day. Finals tickets are all reserved seats and typically sell out, so if you plan to attend we encourage you to purchase your tickets as soon as possible. However, there is no guarantee that Mason will be in the Finals.
Prelims - Thursday, 11/14/2023 - Mason performs - General Admission tickets.
Prelims - Friday, 11/15/2023- Mason does NOT perform this day - General Admission tickets.
Semis - Saturday, 11/16/2023 - Mason Semis performance time TBD (announced Friday evening) - Reserved or General Admission tickets.
Finals - Saturday, 11/16/2023 - Mason performance NOT guaranteed. Performance and time slot contingent on score in Semi-Finals and results. Reserved tickets only (likely to sell out).
***Pro Tip*** If you plan to stay in downtown Indianapolis at any point during the weekend, we highly recommend you make reservations/plans for accommodations now to ensure you have a place to stay.
You may also elect to stay in a hotel outside of downtown (there are plenty available, even in November) and park in a day lot near the stadium. There are several lots a few blocks away that typically charge $20 per day.

Team Bonding/Mental Health Day - August 12
On Monday, August 12, we will be having a fun-filled day of activities at MHS while the students learn about the importance of maintaining their mental health and well-being as they begin to balance their academics and the demands of their extracurricular activities, jobs, and life! We are so excited that our Band Directors support this initiative and realize the importance. Please thank them next time you see them as we are the only organization with a full day supporting mental health! Special thanks to the Langbein family as the Jacob Langbein Memorial Fund, established in honor of their son Jake who passed in 2021 and who are advocates for mental health awareness, is fully funding this day.
As part of this day of wellness, two organizations will be joining us: The Miami University Recreation Outdoor Pursuit Center and 1N5. IMPORTANT: The Miami University group is requiring all students to have a completed waiver to participate in the event. They will be doing physically interactive/low risk leadership activities with our students and Miami requires the waiver of every group they work with.
Click Below for a Detailed Schedule of for each section:
- AM - Group 1 - Woodwinds
- AM - Group 2 - Percussion, Trumpets, Drum Majors
- PM - Group 3 - Color Guard
- PM - Group 4 - Brass (without Trumpets)
IMPORTANT! IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE, EACH PARENT/STUDENT MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING MIAMI UNIVERSITY WAIVER! They will be doing physically interactive/low risk leadership activities with our students and Miami requires the waiver of every group they work with.
Miami University Permission/Waiver - Sign and Upload HERE
- Only ONE Parent Signature required.
- Please be sure to sign Page 1 AND Page two where indicated.
- Parent signature is most important.
- If the student is 18 years or older, they may sign the form themselves.
If you continue to have questions, please contact Tiffany Williams at

Culver’s Dine and Donate
Our next Dine and Donate event will be at Culver’s on Wednesday, August 14th. Bring the flyer and the band receives 10% of the proceeds. If you do not have the flyer with you, ask for one at checkout.
When: Wednesday, August 14, 2024 from 10am-10pm
Where: Culver’s is located at: 5742 Tylersville Rd., Mason, OH 45040

Instrumentalists Classic Uniform Fittings (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior)
New: Returning members please bring your black shoes to fittings!
It is time for each freshman, sophomore, and junior musician to sign up to get fitted for their classic, black uniform. They will wear these uniforms until the new competition uniforms come in later in the season. Sign up links can be found below. Please sign up for any day. Fittings will be at the high school in the guitar room (where we did fittings in May).
Please wear tight fitting shorts, tank top, and socks to your fitting. Sophomores and Juniors bring your black shoes!
- Monday, August 12 - 5-8 pm
- Tuesday, August 13 - 6:30-8:30 pm
- Wednesday, August 14 - 5-8 pm
Note: Guard members and Senior instrumentalists do not need to sign up.
Sign up HERE or in the BoosterHub app.
Please email with any questions.

Tag Day Thank You - And It’s Not Too Late to Donate!
A huge thank you to Nancy Wagner, Rebecca Synan, all our drivers, and our amazing students for another successful Tag Day! Thank you as well to all our band families who donated.
And did you know - it is not too late to donate to Tag Day! Our friends and family campaign runs through the month of August. Donations can be made online HERE, or by sending a check made out to Mason City Schools addressed to Mason Band Boosters, P.O Box 310, Mason, OH 45040-0310.
Our final fundraising numbers by team can be viewed here.
Invitational Tickets (for band families and friends and family who named students in their donation) will be passed out at evening practices later this month (more details to follow). For donations that did not include a student name - tickets will be mailed by the end of the month.

New Member Coffee Talks
All new member parents are invited to attend our Member Coffee Talk sessions that we will be holding throughout the season. These sessions are an informal opportunity to socialize with other new parents and have your questions answered by seasoned band parent mentors.
Our first three sessions are scheduled for 7-8 pm in the high school Staff Dining Room on the following dates:
- Monday, August 19
- Tuesday, September 17
- Wednesday, October 16
To get to the Staff Dining Room, enter the building through the music wing doors at the back of the High School. Walk straight down the hallway past the Band Room entrance, and past the hallway with the trophy cases. The Staff Dining Room is on the right just past that second hallway.

SmugMug - Band Camp Edition!
Check out the amazing photos from our Photo Corps! Thank you for all your time and hard work to capture these memories for our families and students.
For login instructions, see the SmugMug Information sheet in BoosterHub, or email

Sign Up for Your 2024 Remind Group
Remind groups are live for 2024 - sign up now to make sure you stay informed throughout the season!
Remind is the system our marching band uses each year to send out timely notifications to students and parents. The directors use Remind to communicate important rehearsal updates, changes due to weather, travel updates, and other important updates.
Groups are set up by section, with separate groups for students and parents. See the MB 2024 Remind Information guide for instructions on how to join and codes for each group.

Social Media Reminders
We are extremely proud of all the hard work our students putting in, and excited to see the show shaping up!
However, it is very important that you do not post any videos of the band on public websites (YouTube) or social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc) at this time. This also includes pictures of the props, competition uniforms, and show art. This is particularly important for our competition show in order to maintain competitive integrity and for copyright reasons. We want the audience and judges to see our show for the first time at competitions, so that they can enjoy the hard work of our students in a live setting. You are more than welcome to capture your own videos and share with family using a “private” link or message.

2024 Marching Band Next Steps
Marching Band Registration Next Steps
- 2024 Registration Guide
- Past Due
- Experience Fee 2 - $400
- Invoice sent on 7/10/24 via email from:
- Due September 1
- Experience Fee 3 - Amount To Be Announced (we are still waiting for some final information for our hotel)
- Invoice will be sent via Quickbooks
- Experience Fee 3 - Amount To Be Announced (we are still waiting for some final information for our hotel)
- Your student must have an ACTIVE physical on file in order to participate throughout the season
- Examination must have been performed within the past 13 months
- Medical Eligibility Form must be completed in its entirety signed and dated by the healthcare provider
- Dispensing Medication at School (DMS) forms may be submitted any time throughout the season via >> How To Submit Forms
- All medications that a student will be taking while at Band Camp require a form (OTC and Prescription)
- Must be signed by a parent/guardian
- Must be signed by a healthcare provider
- Only valid for up to one full season
- Marching Band DMS forms are separate from any other DMS forms submitted through Mason City Schools administration or nursing staff
- Medication Drop-Off: Please review the medication check-in process in the 2024 Marching Band Registration Guide for more details. Email to schedule a drop-off time.
- Parents/guardians should electronically sign the necessary documents in FINAL FORMS.